DENIED - Steevan

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DENIED - Steevan

Postby Steevan » Mon May 24, 2010 6:18 pm

In game name (including previous names if any): Steevan ( ex character Djuta)


From: Serbia

Class and build:
-I play like any other hunter now a days. Im MM and use basical spam of SS->CSh->SilecingSh->ASh->SteadySh. My spec is little bit more specific than what u can see on these days hunters. Its a basic MM spec with couple of tweaks of my own. Normally i would go 7/57/7 which is the best spec for gear balanced hunters(Full agility or enough arp ones) but instead of that i went for 11/53/7. I got a loads of critics on my choice of talent build but beleve me i am getting better results with these modified talents rather than standard. That is probably because of my equipment base now because i have about 55% of passive arp and yes that isen't enough but my gear depends of two item drops. That is Deathbringers will and Bracers of Gunship battle which should give me good arp and than i can freely swich to standard MM spec. I tested this many times on heroic training Dummy and i know it for a fact that because 130 more rap makes bigger diffrence than +8% csr on AS and Mana reg.

Dual Spec:
- It is BM spec which i use for PvP

Alts (please comment if you intend on bringing them in the guild and if not, why?):
- Yes i have one. :D Cwelemango Draenai (resto)Shaman lv80. Its relly good equiped almost good hunter actually. So if theres ever lack of healers for smth shes rdy 4 rock'n'roll :)

Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page? (If you are not using your raiding specc because of PvP or whatever reason, please link the raiding specc you will be using): ... cn=Steevan
- I might have my PvP gear equpied

Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm):
- K so its like this as far as i remember i started playing WoW at vanilla stage of it and at this atmun will be my 4th year of playing wow. Started playing on same character named Djuta with my IRL friend but soon after that i decited to start on my own. On Djuta we were in Entropy and When i lvled out my own character i joined No pressure. After that i went in Lex Talionis , Affinity ,Divine Legacy ,The Night Watch.

Why did you leave your former guilds?:
- 1)No-Pressure : broke apart
2)Lex Talionis: Broke apart
3) Affinity: wasent raiding on begginin' of WOTLK(olny 10 man) and many class leaders and players left so there was nothing to do in that guild
- I was <Divined> trial in season 5 but i had bad gear so i couldnt keep up with dps and that was main reson
4)Divine Legacy: Probably the best guild i ever been with (not by progress but by ppl that are in guild) Everything i done on hunter in Wotlk is while beeing their member... Than i stoped playing from June till October... They couldn't leave me in guild because of inactivity... when i got back they were polite and considered my reply but the problem was that there is 2 many hunters in there already so i couldn't be accepted... If u want my feedback about my progress ,raid dedication etc. it is the best to ask if u ask them.

What is your former raid experience (pre-TBC, TBC, WotLK)?
- WoW :ZG done some AQ20 and Done 2wings in Naxx... Also had some exp in BWL ... And in TBC did AQ 40 for fun...
- Kara : Cleared
McthL : Cleared
GL: Cleared
SSC: Cleared
TK : Kael left
MH : Cleared
BT : Motner and Illy left
SWP : Only downed Kcalegos in TBC
S5 :Cleared :Naxx ,Sarth 3d ,Maly S6: Ulduar on this char cleared till Auriaya(in first 2 weeks of patch relise) than i stopped playing 4 rest of s6 on hunt and got back at end of s7 thats when i did Toc 10 ,25 and now downed 10/12 icc 10 and 5/12 icc 25 (and some gunship hc mods wight are easy mods really :) )

Why do you want to join Serenity?
- Several main reasons for this really. First of all last guild i been with (The Night Watch) Are really bad in pve progress because they cannot even form a 25man raid without 10 pug players and that was a real mess of all the fake dc's , loot regulations , and players. On top of all some really good friends of mine were rather kicked out of guild or left themselves ( some of them were IRL). I went in contry side for this weekend and when i got back i was out of guild. Dont know under which terms but to be honest i dont even care because of GM who is big headed! :P I assume its beacause of second reason that i want to join Serenity. Actually i opened a application for <Chimera> they were really polite and told me that they already taken a hunter for trial so there were no spots atm. I didn't previously told my officers about my application for Chimera but i was going to inform them about my application to other guild and about my leaving of guild. Eventually i went to an unplanned trip to my contry side to take little break. When i got back i was out of guild but i dont mind actually :) so since my apply was declined due the aception of another player to a trial i am in looking for responsible ,well organised ,friendly and good progressed guild. Not many guilds actually look for hunter these days cause of overwhelming rolling of hunters on bronzebeard . I found all this in urs guild and till now Serenity has created properly good reputation for its name :) Most important reason i applied to your guild is that i just finished my high school and now i am on summer holiday so i am looking for some hard core raiding and i am really looking foward to this apply beacause its been a long time now since i was with properly good guild. :D

Do you have open applications to other guilds?
- As i told my apply to chimera was declined like i explained before so No :)

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you?
- I have already applied to Serenity few times lately ( was little lazy on makeing application last times but hay... ) and there wasent rly some1 that i know really good here. I know loads of people from ingame and probably i came across some of your members.

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

This is probably the most important question. We are a raiding guild, and even though we do not force anyone into raiding, we are expecting players that will join us to show interest in raiding at least 3-4 days each week. Are you interested in raiding several days a week regularly???


We do not spend a lot of time on farmed content, but we do spend a lot of times on progression, which means a lot of wiping with often very little progress. This is how we kill hard bosses and push the content. Is that what you are interested in?


Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 1am server time?

-No Fri and Sat on regular raid time so Hell Yeah ! :)

Can you log on to the Serenity website to read what is happening and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not?

-Ofcourse ,i visit forums and webbies very often.

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a proper set of buffs (food buffs and potions/flasks)?

-I am very serious and dedicated raider so i am always raid ready and on time !

We are using a Zero-Sum DKP system, do you agree with this?

Postby Tusvor » Mon May 24, 2010 8:10 pm

Ty for your application, we will dig into it and get back to u as soon as possible :)
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Postby Redbully » Tue May 25, 2010 11:02 am

Steevan wrote:Started playing on same character named Djuta with my IRL friend but soon after that i decited to start on my own. On Djuta we were in Entropy and When i lvled out my own character i joined No pressure. After that i went in Lex Talionis , Affinity ,Divine Legacy ,The Night Watch.

Yeah I remember you from when I did sometime in Entropy, didnt know your account was shared back then, you were also in Almost Famous with me too. Just a quick question are you willing to give the time cause from what I remember you were an on off player.

I have a really good memory, also remember use being in a 2v2.

Good luck with the app

Ps its Redbully
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Postby Guest » Tue May 25, 2010 12:52 pm

Rinky wrote:
Yeah I remember you from when I did sometime in Entropy, didnt know your account was shared back then, you were also in Almost Famous with me too. Just a quick question are you willing to give the time cause from what I remember you were an on off player.

I have a really good memory, also remember use being in a 2v2.

Good luck with the app

Ps its Redbully

- Thanks for cheers m8 :) I actually haven't played on Djuta that much because the owner of the account was Nicola(the original Djuta) who made character. I joined him on lv 35 or so (cant rly remember) to help him level the character and grind a little bit. Nicola was two years older than me so he was raiding and doing the dugeon stuff. I was playing BGs and sometimes when he couldn't make it to raid cause of rl stuff. But when u look like this from 8h that he played during day(or more cause he played hard core) i did 2-3 h a day till i made my own account and character. On begining of TBC i didnt rly played cause of high school so dont rly remember his arena mates.

-P.S. Redbully the mage? taught u stoped playing :D

Postby Redbully » Tue May 25, 2010 1:01 pm

Anonymous wrote:
-P.S. Redbully the mage? taught u stoped playing :D

Well I kinda did but not at heart, nah I was a paladin. So is the real Djuta ok then?
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Postby Steevan » Tue May 25, 2010 2:29 pm

Hes on collage now didn't saw him in year

Postby Paul » Wed May 26, 2010 10:48 am


Thanks for applying to Serenity and showing an interest in the guild.

After careful consideration we have decided to deny your application.

Hope you find the guild for you soon.
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Postby Steevan » Wed May 26, 2010 11:26 am

Still tho i would like to know the terms of decline.

Postby Paul » Wed May 26, 2010 12:20 pm

To start with there is talk on your application of account sharing this is frowned upon by Blizzard and is a big no from us as a guild. (I should stop here but you caught me in a bad mood so I'll carry on).

You claim to be 10/12 ICC10 and also have done heroic gunship.

You have done 9/10 ICC10 and have never done heroic gunship in 10/25 ICC.(According to the armory).

Most important reason i applied to your guild is that i just finished my high school and now i am on summer holiday so i am looking for some hard core raiding and i am really looking foward to this apply beacause its been a long time now since i was with properly good guild.

We are not the summer holiday guild, we have players here that want to stay for the duration.

Moving on to your character, you are gemming ArP but you shouldn't do this until you are atleast at 800 ArP from gear alone. You should be reaching 1200 ArP min when gemmed.

You may like it but your spec is wrong. You should be taking improved arcane shot and using it in your rotation/priority. Along with gemming agility not ArP which would be a DPS improvement in your current gear.

If you want more attack power from your spec you should have taken improved hunters mark instead of wasting 2 points in improved revive pet to get to aspect mastery.

Nothing personal (except the account sharing bit) just what I see wrong in the application. Let me know if you need more information.
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Postby Steevan » Wed May 26, 2010 2:28 pm

Paul wrote:To start with there is talk on your application of account sharing this is frowned upon by Blizzard and is a big no from us as a guild. (I should stop here but you caught me in a bad mood so I'll carry on).

You claim to be 10/12 ICC10 and also have done heroic gunship.

You have done 9/10 ICC10 and have never done heroic gunship in 10/25 ICC.(According to the armory).

Most important reason i applied to your guild is that i just finished my high school and now i am on summer holiday so i am looking for some hard core raiding and i am really looking foward to this apply beacause its been a long time now since i was with properly good guild.

We are not the summer holiday guild, we have players here that want to stay for the duration.

Moving on to your character, you are gemming ArP but you shouldn't do this until you are atleast at 800 ArP from gear alone. You should be reaching 1200 ArP min when gemmed.

You may like it but your spec is wrong. You should be taking improved arcane shot and using it in your rotation/priority. Along with gemming agility not ArP which would be a DPS improvement in your current gear.

If you want more attack power from your spec you should have taken improved hunters mark instead of wasting 2 points in improved revive pet to get to aspect mastery.

Nothing personal (except the account sharing bit) just what I see wrong in the application. Let me know if you need more information.

- Hello again !

- For start u misunderstood my whole apply :)

K ,so first thing is that i dont remember that there was any restriction for account shareing in Vanilla WoW ! I shared account for about 2-3 months with my friend( he is some kind of my relative but that is irelevant) That was almost 4 y ago m8 :) and ever since i got acc of my own and only i am playing on it.

Secound if you check this link ... Cwelemango which is my alt(on my account) you will see that i did what i clame i did in ICC. I am sorry i shouldve announced in apply but it doesent matter . I couldnt do all this icc only on my hunter because of lack of intrest in serious guilds for hunters. And without proper guild u cant rly do any good in raids. Intrest for healers is bigger even in pugs so i did it with my alt. :)

Third: I didnt meant by

"Most important reason i applied to your guild is that i just finished my high school and now i am on summer holiday so i am looking for some hard core raiding and i am really looking foward to this apply beacause its been a long time now since i was with properly good guild."

that i am done with school for summer break. I am done with school at all. Cause i finished 4th grade and now i am free to dedicate to raids without excuse. And i am not going on collage for another year.

As for the character stuff i cant agree more with you. But beleve me i am getting weaker results with Arp and this talent build than Agility ( i tested it 1000000000 times on training dummy) On hc mods of fight eventually u will go oom and when that happens aspect mastery is more useful rather than improved HM. My talents atm are because of disbalance of my gear and if u read apply u would see that i prepared my gear for arp and now i w8 4 two drops :P

I am sorry if i puted down the things to you wrong way. I would like if u can return my application under considiration. I have nothing personal against you aswell m8 but i have to say it cause i am feeling that u didnt read the application carefuly. If u know me u would know that i am serious 20% and that is when i need to be serious (like this apply) but rest of time i just like to joke and do smth ingame :)

p.s sry i am in bad mood aswell :P ( had a fight with GF )
i would like to talk to u ingame. Cya

Postby Paul » Wed May 26, 2010 5:02 pm

Maybe I did misunderstand some of your application it is in very broken English.

I'll skip the account sharing business for the minute(but I have heard otherwise to your claims).

I see the link to your other better geared/more experienced character and it just leaves me with the question, is the hunter your main character?

Running out of mana is a rare thing (even on heroic), in my limited heroic experience it seems to happen on bosses with mana. Therefore it is a better thing to use viper sting and recover half your mana with a chimera shot than to drop into aspect of the viper and half your dps.

I would like to know what 2 drops will get you from 800 ArP to 1200, I wouldn't mind those myself.

I have nothing personal against you aswell m8 but i have to say it cause i am feeling that u didnt read the application carefuly.

I'm not sure questioning my reading abilities will help with your application.
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Postby Steevan » Wed May 26, 2010 6:18 pm

- K mate i would be really thankful if u we can have a little chat on Skype. Because there are loads of stuff that we need to discus about and its not rly for forums and i think both of us perfer live words to endless typing :) My skype name is cwelex91.

Postby Redbully » Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:45 am

Applied to Entropy on there Shaman!!
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