DENIED | Omegga

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DENIED | Omegga

Postby omegga » Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:27 am

( yes) YES ( ) NO Note: by ticking YES, you agree to follow the guild charter.

In game name (including previous names if any): omegga

Age: 23


Class and build:
52/08/11..i hav been on a site and hav read alot on DK'Sand know alot bout them and this has simed to be the best tank talent build i hav

Dual Spec: i hav not duel speced yet cos i hav not been asked to dps but as my dps gear goes its juast as good as my tankin ,need a few items improved,,,and blood spec talent tree is just as good so far

Alts i dont not hav an alt to bring i only hav 2 chars and i only want to so i wont be over over the place wit 7 and will consintrate on building them mostly,,,gets too messy wit too many

Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page,,,for some reason i am not in armory dont know why? but go here and search omegga/bronzebeard

Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm): my alt is in a guild called fatilhilarity a, but not to me i wont to change

Why did you leave your former guilds?: wit this char, there is not much in thaat guild for me to aciv and too many tanks for it ,,,and i relly wanna aciv the most outta this char be in the spot light and take a bit of waight on my shoulders for things as a tank,and progress progres progress

What is your former raid experience (pre-TBC, TBC, WotLK)? ..i did everything except,,totc 25, totc 10 hc, and half of ulduar,the guild hasnt got to that stage

Why do you want to join Serenity? relly trutfully ,i want to be the best i can be to aciv wat no one has and raid ALOT every time i could 10 mans 25 mans ,every time, and i think yous would hav that for me,and i probly know yous are at toc 25 hc but il raid like no tomorrow just to reach that stage just giv me chance and see for yourself how eigger i am,thats why i am willing to change factions for it ,,,my guild has not for this char,and want to be ready and geard for the new patch coming,,,and i am not one for silly mistakes u can count on me as a tank,,,or dps

Do you have open applications to other guilds? nope

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you? well on horde his name is AKYA i dont know on alliance.he will tel u how eigger i wanted to join yous

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

This is probably the most important question. We are a raiding guild, and even though we do not force anyone into raiding, we are expecting players that will join us to show interest in raiding at least 3-4 days each week. Are you interested in raiding several days a week regularly??? to tell u the truth mate i would do 7 days a week til raids are cleard out ,,so defo thats why i wanaa leave to your guild cos my guild dont do that, and it seems yous do it ,but i do got football matchs on random days so will hav to tel yyous before hand

We do not spend a lot of time on farmed content, but we do spend a lot of times on progression, which means a lot of wiping with often very little progress. This is how we kill hard bosses and push the content. Is that what you are interested in? mate im packed and rdy to kill anything in the way ,,u couldnt of said it any better its defo wat i want id try toc 25 hc now if i could and wipe til i could no more to progress

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 1am server time? yup 9am.til 3am if u liked-

Can you log on to the Serenity website to read what is happening and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not? yes

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a proper set of buffs (food buffs and potions/flasks)? yup i can anything except potions .

We are using a Zero-Sum DKP system, do you agree with this? ( yes ) YES ( ) NO

Postby Mikah » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:41 am

Hi and thanks for your application,

We are looking potentially for a DK tank that could also dps as offspec when needed.

However, you are quite undergeared and inexperienced for the current content we are aiming, which means you would have to spend quite some time gearing up doing some 10man stuff first before you are even considered for 25man heroic raids.

You don't have any ToC drops. You actually have never killed a boss in ToC even on normal mode and you have never killed a boss in Ulduar.

We also need someone that can switch to a dps offspec. Do you have a decent gear for DPS? I noticed you don't even have the dual spec for that yet.

You are not exalted with Sons of Hodir either for the better shoulder enchants.

In fact, this application looks more like an alt you geared up running heroics only and who you just dinged 80 recently.

What will happen to your main if you are to join us with your DK?
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Postby Guest » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:26 pm

mate i hav hav this char for bout 5 months ,i know it doesnt show aciv ments but its because the server im on is shiit and they dont raid much which is buggin me,,but my alts got all acivments u can check him ,( gabreal )his name,,,,and for the dual spec i hav left out for the reason if i joined a raid guild i wanted them to decided wat they needed mate,,,i hear everyone sayin first u need aciivment bla blabla but mate i know it all ive been in every place and know tactics,,,im just askin giv me a chance it would not be long for me to gear up depending on how many raids yous do id do everyone ,,,thats why i wanna change sever and be on a proggession guild ,and i did say i know yous are on toc 25 hc i know but im willin to put in the effort to lv up to the standered qucick ,all im askin is for a chance and if u dont think i am improving well u know trow me out,,,reason i hav no acivments is cos there arent many doing raids our side,and how u suppose to get acivments witout doin raids ,so its fucked up..,if i could make my own guild i would just for raiding most days.....and wat will happen to my main?? it will be considered as an alt ,i wont proggression i wont raids thats why i want to play this game,,i wanted my dk as main as always just the guild im in hav to many DK's and wanted the hunter and it was the only way i could raid even doh i was annoyed bout them not picking my DK..and i do got mats for totc plans ,like,,,chest pieace of the white knight a nd another one ,,an wrist 245 too coming along just need my friend to come on to make them for me.and as my dps goes its as good gear as the tankin,,,and i watch tankspot alot and form wat ive hav done wit my other char ,i got alot of experiance ,and want to be the best i can make a lv 1 and hav a chat wit u if u want

Postby Theseus » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:45 am

My word does not mean anything around here, however before you progress any further, I would strongly suggest thinking about using some correct formating, punctuation and good English. If English was your second language, I would not hold that too much against you however I have seen better English from German, Dutch, Greek and Italians.

The other thing is you need to adjust the tone of your responses. In your response to Mikah, you are quite combative in your tone. It just says angsty youth. Ease up and be a bit more diplomatic. Although you are not applying for employment, if you are going to enter any serious progression guild (such as Serenity), then you need to treat your application as a job application/interview.

As it stands, if I was in charge of recruitment, I would be denying your application just based on your response to Mikah. Some food for thought...
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Postby Slamdorff » Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:01 pm

Lykofos wrote:I would strongly suggest thinking about using some correct formating, punctuation and good English. If English was your second language, I would not hold that too much against you however I have seen better English from German, Dutch, Greek and Italians.

Don't pick on somebodys lingual skills when you have no background on that person.

Good luck on app.
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Postby Gabbie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:59 pm

Slamdorff wrote:
Lykofos wrote:I would strongly suggest thinking about using some correct formating, punctuation and good English. If English was your second language, I would not hold that too much against you however I have seen better English from German, Dutch, Greek and Italians.

Don't pick on somebodys lingual skills when you have no background on that person.

Good luck on app.

Sorry Slam, I have to support Thes in this.

I found the text difficult to read, first of all cus several lines without any spaces, dots and commas strange places and a lot of words I've never heard of or read before, dunno if it's because this guy is irish?

My main language is not english nor irish so I don't know if there are some variations from english till the irish? Though I didn't think my english was that bad.
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Postby Theseus » Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:28 pm

Slam, what brings home the minuscule bits of cash I that I survive on is teaching English to non English speakers (ESL or English as a Second Language). I have dealt with English speakers from all over the world. The OP's sentence structure is not proper English, the Irish use the same sentence structures and spellings as British English. While the Irish do have their own language, every Irish citizen I have ever dealt with speaks perfect English as English is the dominate language. Thus using "he is a foreigner" is no defense here. Even the non English speakers I deal with on a daily basis writer better than this applicant.

To me the just speaks of laziness. If one can't make an effort to use correct spelling, punctuation and sentence structure when English is his/her primary tongue, then how can we take this application seriously? For me, this is one of the tests that any applicant has to go through. I find it rather interesting that most ESL users put a better effort into their writing compared to many native English speakers (American, British, Irish, Australian, New Zealand, etc.)
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Postby Guest » Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:47 pm

well lykoros to me u sound like your trying to be a smart arse ,just cos i am not so good wit typeing and writeing doesnt mean i am not able to speke english and how would english be my secound languege,that there tells me your tryin to be smart ,,and u would take people on in your guild by how the type and write and how it sounds to u ,well ,im not even gonna start anything wit u but dont judge the book by the cover mate ,,,,thats why i asked if u COULD SEE on the last bit of the sentance ,,,let me chat to u in game il make a lv 1 char as talk i also got ventrilo which i would rather speke to one of the officers on my applaction,,,that is not on lykoros wat u said

Postby Hugz » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:06 pm

LMFAO. You must be joking.

You actually think it looks good. When your applying to a guild. And you don't bother to put any effort into your posts.
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Postby Paul » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:46 pm

Lets end this now before it drags on.

Application Denied, good luck finding a guild.
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Postby Mikah » Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:09 am

Omegga wrote:mate i hav hav this char for bout 5 months

According to your achievements, you dinged lvl80 on the 26/10/09. Please don't lie. That's not 5 months, it's not even 5 weeks.

Omegga wrote:,i know it doesnt show aciv ments but its because the server im on is shiit and they dont raid much which is buggin me,,but my alts got all acivments u can check him ,( gabreal )his name,,,,

You totally missing the point here. I don't care if you have already killed Arthas on your main. The problem is that you want to join a raid guild that is already far beyond your current progress, and you got no experience tanking whatsoever on the char you are applying with. You have never done any of the more "unpuggable" raids, let alone doing some of the hard modes.

I'm not asking you to show me the achievement for what we are doing. But if someone wants to join us, I would like to see he knows how to play his class. That means having a few raids/hardmodes done, whether it is Ulduar or ToC.

Looking at your experience in raids, I doubt you know what it means to be tanking some of the hardmode bosses hitting you for 40k while trying to keep your threat above the mages doing 8k dps.

Omegga wrote: a nd another one ,,an wrist 245 too coming along just need my friend to come on to make them for me.and as my dps goes its as good gear as the tankin,,,and i watch tankspot alot and form wat ive hav done wit my other char ,i got alot of experiance ,and want to be the best i can make a lv 1 and hav a chat wit u if u want

Then if you got all the mats, why not get it done and then apply? Do you send your suit to the cleaner, go to an interview and tell your future employer that you could have worn a suit, but it was not ready?

About dual spec and Sons of Hodir reputation, it just shows very poor dedication of your part. This is something you can do solo. No need for pug or whatever. This far in the expansion, it just shows very poorly to not have it done on a character you expect us to gear up.

This is a very poor application, and as Paul said, we will decline it.
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Postby Theseus » Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:39 pm

Anonymous wrote:well lykoros to me u sound like your trying to be a smart arse ,just cos i am not so good wit typeing and writeing doesnt mean i am not able to speke english and how would english be my secound languege,that there tells me your tryin to be smart

If you are "not so good" at typing, then I strongly suggest learning and practicing. Many local councils offer free typing courses. Good typing skills are a skill you will need in the future as many jobs require fast and accurate interaction with a keyboard.

,,and u would take people on in your guild by how the type and write and how it sounds to u ,well ,im not even gonna start anything wit u but dont judge the book by the cover mate ,,,,thats why i asked if u COULD SEE on the last bit of the sentance ,,

Considering that many of our players are non English speakers, typing in a "normal" fashion complete with correct punctuation helps those players understand what you are tying to "say". We don't live in Vent, most of our non raid interaction is via the guild chat channels. Most of our members are adults, "leet" speak and non-standard phrases are quite likely to irritate them. I was trying to defend you a bit however you seem to have missed it in your rant.

,let me chat to u in game il make a lv 1 char as talk i also got ventrilo which i would rather speke to one of the officers on my applaction,,,that is not on lykoros wat u said

OK, I am going to take that as a bit of insult. Even though I am not currently an Officer due to economic issues however I am one of the original members of this guild AND a past Officer whose roles included Recruitment and Class Leader. Going by your rant when questioned on your application, it appears that you would not have lasted very long in Serenity before pissing everyone off.

If you are truly serious about getting into a raiding guild, read what Mikah has to say. He has been around a long time and knows quite a lot. In addition, work on your communication skills. You need to treat your application like you would your CV. I don't know of a single serious raiding guild that would accept an application and responses such as yours.

Take some time out of WoW and polish your typing and communication skills. Then get your character geared up BEFORE applying to any serious raiding guild and be sure to demonstrate that you have done the content. Every guild will check your Achievements, (for example) if you say you have tanked Ulduar then you had better have the Achievements that you can point to as evidence. Most guilds will not offer any feedback on why you got rejected so I strongly suggest you read what we have to say.
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Postby Guest » Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:16 am

never mind
Last edited by Guest on Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: DENIED - Omegga

Postby Skibba » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:40 am

The paragraph below would suggest that English is not their primary language.......

omegga wrote:ok yous are all right in what yous are saying,and i was rushing into the applacation and didnt think about anything yous just said,because i just wanted to raid alot ,i will take yous up on your word and improve in what you's just said,,it was just me rushin into it and time is what i need i supose,,didnt know that i insulted one of yous but hey i know i didnt mean it in a bad way,anyways thnks for denied ,im sure il brush up on it ,,,but wanted to relly join yous i wanted to be the person to stand out and i am not a person to annoy people im quiet. maybe one of you officers would hav a chat with me?im make a lv 1 not to apply now but maybe in the futher.its i didnt put the time in i just rushed it to quick ,,


omegga wrote:
Age: 23


This suggests that they are fluent in English, and either don't know how to spell (dyslexia, lacking education) or prefer to use 'text speak' which is often used by people much younger than this person says they are on their application.

There could be many reasons for poor spelling/grammar/punctuation, but when you are applying to a guild and want to be taken seriously, you should at least spend 30 seconds to copy/paste into Word and use a spelling/grammar check on what you've written. I take it that you would do this on a job application? And in many ways, applying to a raiding guild is a similar process.

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