TRIAL |Protection Paladin/Holy Priest Duo

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TRIAL |Protection Paladin/Holy Priest Duo

Postby Guest » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:47 pm

( X ) YES ( ) NO Note: by ticking YES, you agree follow the guild charter.

In game name (including previous names if any): Starkiller and Yulia

Age: 31 and 26

From: York, England (Husband and Wife)

Class and build:
Starkiller is a protection paladin, Yulia is a holy priest.

Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page?: ... Starkiller ... rd&n=Yulia

Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm): We started in Bio Shock, then moved to Phoenix from the Flames, neither are raiding guilds. We then moved to Might & Magic and were officers but a personal dispute arose and we left. We are currently the GMs of Remnants but our level of gear and desire to see more of the end game means we're looking to move our mains to a serious raiding guild. We both have raid-ready level 70 alts that will remain in Remnants as GMs.

Why did you leave your former guilds?: We left M&M over some mistreatment. A raid had been scheduled for Easter Sunday and as many had told us they didn't plan on making it, we chose to stay with our family instead of logging on to raid. We were told off for it and made the personal desicion to leave the guild.

What is your former raid experience (pre-TBC and TBC)? Star has been around in WoW since pre-TBC and has raided some of the old raids. Together we have experience in Kara but have been unable to go further. We were previously on US servers until late last year.

Why do you want to join Serenity? Due to Star's work schedule we don't get a lot of chances to raid with most guilds, but Serenity looks to be raiding exactly when we can go. We'd like to bring our dedication and determination to Serenity.

Do you have open applications to other guilds? No.

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you? Not that we're aware of currently.. but we know too many people in the game to know for sure. :)

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 1am server time?
Yes.. Star works Wed-Thurs-Fri from 6pm to 6am but we are both around late nights Sat-Tues.

Can you log on to the Serenity website and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not? Yes.

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a minimum set of buffs (food, oils, potions)?

We are planning on using a Suicide Kings loot distribution system, do you agree with this? ( X ) YES ( ) NO

( X ) I have read the Forum sticky: Intro to Serenity
( X ) I have read the Forum sticky: Guild Rules and Goals

Postby Mjölnir » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:46 pm

Thanks for your nice application. We will discuss it soon and will contact you then. One of questions that always arises when a couple wants to join a guild is do you want to raid only when you are both in raid ?

I am asking because ofc we try to arrange it in that way, but when 30 or more people are signed for a 25 raid then it gets sometimes complicated to organise and to decide who is in and who is not.

Postby Kyleah » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:45 pm

Thanks for the reply. :) And no we're not too bothered about HAVE to raid together, we're aware how hard it is to fill seats sometimes. You have to take what you need.

Postby Slamdorff » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:48 pm

Hey you two,

Good luck with a nice double application.

I will comment only on Starkiller's gear and spec choice, as I play the same role.

Spec is just fine, cookie cutter choice with a small personal touch. Perfect for raiding and shows he read something somewhere - like I did.

With few changes Starkiller is ready to raid with us. God bless badge gear.

Your base spell damage is minimum 200 to low to keep any aggro so unless you have another weapon in the bags, you have to change it and save the Suneater it for rare situations. A nice weapon is available with Shattered Sun rep or you can pick up a Crystalforge Sword, also you can change your shield with the SS rep shield for more offensive stats. You chose a defensive based chest from badges, so it will be to expensive to change that, but in a few items time you can change your badge libram for more threat.

While you're on the Isle scoop up that Heroic MT trinket and shift it with the Figurine for more HP and avoidance - you will be healed, I promise you.

I don't get your parry gems - worst itemisation in game. I suggest you change them all to +sta gems except one in your belt. If you really want avoidance gems go for dodge - it almost half the ítemsation price, with the same result (yes, yes I know, parry gives a hastened next swing:))

The time has passed for Block tankadins, so dont bother picking up any more block gear. Badge items has boosted HP and avoidance to an extent where block gear is hardly ever used.

It's a bit sad that we haven't had much luck with raiding couples - the last few split up or just split:)

We both have raid-ready level 70 alts that will remain in Remnants as GMs.

This is a bit disturbing me thinks, but hey, thats what our kind recruitment officer is here to handle.

Good luck to you both.


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Postby Kyleah » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:22 am

This is the reply from Star:

I have the Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian in bank, and the Crystalforged Sword as well. I am currently working on my rep for the shield at the moment.

I didn't realize that parry and block were not as important but it's not a problem to switch gems as my alt is a JC'er. Spell damage I knew was necessary but I don't have any problem holding aggro at the moment, but again not an issue to switch things around a little. With the chest and sword I have in bank I have 323 unbuffed.

From Ky/Yulia:

Yeah our alts were never really that important. Star has a warlock and I have a druid and they're mainly just alts for fun. We've been raiding with them recently just to have fillers for the guild but they'll take a back seat again once we're raiding as we'd like with our mains. If everything works out we'd not mind moving them as well if needed. My druid is feral at the moment, but I have gear for all specs, enjoyed boomkin the most.
Last edited by Kyleah on Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Slamdorff » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:29 am

Kyleah wrote:This is the reply from Star:

I have the Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian in bank, and the Crystalforged Sword as well. I am currently working on my rep for the shield at the moment.

I didn't realize that parry and block were not as important but it's not a problem to switch gems as my alt is a JC'er. Spell damage I knew was necessary but I don't have any problem holding aggro at the moment, but again not an issue to switch things around a little. With the chest and sword I have in bank I have 268 unbuffed.

Sounds really fine. The thing about SD needed is due to a steep rise in needed threat from T4 to T6-content. I did Kara with less than 200 SD like you have. You will experience that.

If you change your gems to +sta and get the MgT trinket you will get +1K more unbuffed HP, which is really significant. You can step right in and tank all MH waves. As long as you can stay uncrushable on the rare boss fight, the only thing that matters is your 490 def. Actually the Stoic Guardian is a supreme tankadin chest and is considered on par with 100 badge tankadin chest and better than the defensive one you are wearing right now. But thats just numbercrunching - if it works it works:)

Good luck again.


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Postby Jujimufu » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:21 pm

done many heroics with starkiller .. gets my vote

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Postby Terminate » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:01 am

done many heroics with this couple. good to have you aboard :-)

Look at that subtle off-white colouring.
The tasteful thickness of it.
Oh my God, it even has a watermark.
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