HC ML: Magtheridon

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HC ML: Magtheridon

Postby Theseus » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:50 pm


Now that Gruul has been added to the kill list our next target is likely to be Magtheridon. Although we will not likely see him for a bit as we get a couple of Gruul kills under our belt and get the raiders geared up, we should start studying the strategies needed to take down this nasty Pit Lord.

RESEARCH: Information we need to know

Movie of a Magtheridon kill by Nihilum http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=36681
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JJQ-EneygY

A "How To" video: How To: Magtheridon (YouTube) - We should all watch this.
(Thanks to Galwar for the link)

WoWWiki: http://www.wowwiki.com/Magtheridon_%28tactics%29
Bosskillers.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JJQ-EneygY

Quests involving Magtheridon: WoWHead

BEFORE THE RAID: What we need to know before the first pull

From what I have read and observed from the videos is we have a real shot at downing Mag. However we have the following two issues deal with:

- DPSing the Warlocks down in a timely fashion

- Getting the Cube rotation down.

Once those two issues are dealt with, then we have a very good shot at downing Mag. So we need to build our raid ideally with:

4 Prot Warriors (Bears or Prot Pallys would not work as we need Shield Bash to interrupt the Warlock's casting. The stuns of Bears and Prot Warriors have too long a CD and we cannot spare Rogues for kick duty)

4 Warlocks for Curse of Tongues, Banishes and Fear rotations

Healers for the tanks. This looks like a Gruul type of fight were the DPS have look after themselves for healer. The Healers job will be to heal the tanks and the Cube clickers. I would recommend a Tree form Druid to get HoTs on the MT just before the 30% "Quake" stun

A Shitload of DPS. We cannot have any slackers here. We need to bring our best geared DPS who can pump out an insane amount of pain. Sorry to our more "junior" members but you will not cut it here. If you want a crack at Mag get your butts into Heroics and Karazhan and start farming the gear. We have the Heroics and Karazhan on farm status now so there is no excuse.

Everyone should sort any UI issues beforehand. Make sure you have the required mods installed ahead of time. This includes a Raid Mod (oRA2), a boss mod (BigWigs or Deadly Boss Mods) and a Thread mod (Omen or KTM).

THE MOBS: Abilities and Weaknesses

A common misconception is that this fight requires fire resistance. Fire resist is neither required nor desired.

The fight: Magtheridon has 5 adds that you must kill. Magtheridon is banished for the first two minutes of the fight, during which you need only deal with the adds. After two minutes, he becomes active.

Hellfire Channelers:

* Each channeler has roughly 240,000 hitpoints.
* Cast Shadow Volley, a 1-second cast which hits all targets within 30 yards for roughly 1800 damage. It is interruptable.
* Cast Dark Mending, a 2-second cast that heals a Hellfire Channeler for 69375 to 80625. Interruptable
* Vulnerable to Mind-numbing Poison and Curse of Tongues. One of these should be applied by rogues/warlocks to help with the above spell interrupts
* Summon Abyssal infernals. Each channeler may not summon more than 2 infernals at a time. Infernals despawn after one minute.
* Gain a Soul Transfer buff as you kill each Channeler. This buff increases their size by 20% and damage and casting speed by 30%, and stacks as you kill each Hellfire Channeler.

Burning Abyssals:

* Deal 2625 to 3375 with a 10-yard range to the player on which it lands.
* Cast Fire Blast, which does 3300 damage in a 20-yard range.
* May be frost nova'd, banished, feared, stunned, or trapped.


* Has approximately 4,750,000 health. (Patch 2.0.12)
* Hits 6-7k basic melee on a well-geared tank.
* Casts Quake, a knockback that hits every player every second for 7 seconds. The first cast occurs 40 seconds after Magtheridon activates. Interrupts spells and is on a 50- to 60-second cooldown.
* Casts Blast Nova, which deals roughly 2,500 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds to every player in the lair. The first cast occurs 1 minute after Magtheridon activates, on a 60-second cooldown. Will result in a wipe if he's allowed to cast it.
* Cleave: Standard cleave, can hit for 8k+ on tank. Similar to Doom Lord Kazzak.

Manticron Cubes:

* Deal 800 damage per second to a player channeling it. If all 5 cubes are clicked at once, the Blast Nova is interrupted and Magtheridon does not attempt to cast it for another minute.
* Apply Mind Exhaustion on the player, preventing that player from clicking it again for another 1 1/2 minutes. Magtheridon takes 300% damage while all 5 cubes are active.

THE FIGHT: How we take this guy down

Basic strategy from WoWWiki. Variations on the strategy in the link above'

Phase 1:

* At the beginning of the fight, 5 Hellfire Channelers are distributed around the room next to Manticron Cubes. They will not proximity aggro and respond only to hostile actions.
* Each channeler must be tanked and focus-fired down. It is recommended to spread them around the room so their shadow volleys do not overlap.
* Five tanks are recommended, but it is possible to have one tank holding two at once.
* Whenever a Hellfire Channeler dies, the others will gain a Soul Transfer buff that increases their damage and spell casting speed. Therefore it is necessary to have very well-geared tanks on the last two mobs to die.
* Magtheridon will be banished for all of phase 1.
* Phase 1 lasts two minutes. A well-coordinated raid should be able to kill at least 3 channelers before he becomes active.

Phase 2:

* After 2 minutes Magtheridon will no longer be banished and phase 2 will start.
* You can attack him immediately when he breaks the banish, but his threat table doesn't start until he actually targets someone. Often tanks and hunters with misdirect make the mistake of unloading into him as soon as he breaks the banish then wonder why they lost aggro to a healer. Wait till you see something in your target of target to build threat on him.
* One minute into Phase 2 he will cast Blast Nova, which is on a 60-second cooldown. To interrupt the cast, all 5 Manticron cubes must be clicked simultaneously. Because of Mind Exhaustion will prevent those 5 players from clicking on the cubes again for 90 seconds, assign two teams of 5 players to rotate on the cubes.

Phase 3:

* At 30% Magtheridon shatters the walls of his lair, causing the roof to crash down on the entire raid. This deals 5250-6750 physical damage to every member of the raid.
* It is recommended to time the blast nova such that it will not coincide with the beginning of phase 3, similar to waiting for a favorable class call on Nefarian.
* For the remainder of the fight, the ceiling randomly caves in on players, dealing 87,500 to 112,500 damage to players standing underneath an 8-yard radius of the cave-in. There is a cave-in animation shortly preceding it so players will be able to safely move out of the way.


* Be sure to avoid Collapse when clicking on your Manticron cube, since that will likely result in a wipe.
* The cube can be clicked from any direction, so an aware player will be able to activate it and channel from a safe location.
* Stand several yards from your cube while waiting for the next Blast Nova.
* Do not stand on a cube. If Collapse targets you while you are on a cube, this may block the cube from being accessed.
* Magtheridon has a 20 minute enrage timer, (22 minutes from the start of the fight).
* During Phase 2, it is very important to have all Manticron cubes clicked before the cooldown to the next Blast Nova reaches 50 seconds. It is approximately around the 50 second cooldown mark that Magtheridon's Blast Nova is released.

AFTERMATH: The corpse has hit the floor

There is a quest similar to Onyxia or Hakkar that commences after one person loots the head (see the quests list on WoWHead, link at the top of the page).

Magtheridon also drops some nice phat loots: List at WoWHead

Soon we will add Mag's head to our trophy wall. See you in that kill shot!
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