Heroic Yor'sahj

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Heroic Yor'sahj

Postby Kurrelgyre » Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:20 am

As I mentioned in raidchat tonight, there is a nice list of all abilities that cause deep corruption in a purple phase on wowhead.
Link is : http://www.wowhead.com/spell=105171/deep-corruption#comments

Could be useful for next week
Copied in below for those who cannot access wowhead in work :

This is a comprehensive list that I have compiled for healing during Deep Corruption in Heroic Mode Yor'sahj the Unsleeping, when the boss absorbs a Shadowed Globule. It seemed easier to compile this information rather than add it piecemeal to previous posts. It is organized by class (healing classes first), and each class section lists abilities giving NO stacks first, then 1 or more stacks; raid wipers are listed at the end of each section!

Keep in mind that all direct heals will add 1 stack of Deep Corruption. Direct heals are not listed below for that reason.

Deep Corruption lasts 25 seconds in Heroic Mode, and after those 25 seconds is reset and refreshed. This results in a total of two 25-second debuffs per phase where Shadowed Globule is absorbed. Adding stacks WILL NOT extend the timer; therefore if someone has 3 stacks with 5 seconds left (for example), those stacks will be wiped clean after 5 seconds even if he/she receives more heals before the debuff expires.

Leader of the Pack gives no stacks (Feral Spec).
Frenzied Regeneration gives no stacks, even with Item - Druid T13 Feral 4P Bonus (Frenzied Regeneration and Stampede).
Swiftmend gives 1 stack, but Efflorescence gives no stacks.
Rejuvenation gives 1 stack for the initial cast only, not for ticks.
Wild Growth gives 1 stack per person healed.
Lifebloom gives 1 stack per cast, no stacks for Bloom instant heal, no stacks for ticks and no extra stacks when lengthened by Healing Touch/ Regrowth/ Nourish with Empowered Touch talented (although the heal used to extend it will add a stack).
Tranquility gives 1 stack per tick. (Raid Wiper!)

Heals received via Beacon of Light give no stacks.
Guardian of Ancient Kings gives no stacks.
Lay on Hands gives no stacks.
Word of Glory gives no stacks.
Divine Storm gives no stacks.
Divine Shield does not clear stacks, and does not prevent further stacks from being generated.
Holy Radiance gives 1 stack per person healed, HoT ticks do not add stacks.
Light of Dawn gives 1 stack per person healed.

Desperate Prayer gives no stacks.
Echo of Light gives no stacks (Holy Priest Mastery).
Guardian Spirit gives no stacks.
Prayer of Mending gives no stacks.
Vampiric Embrace gives no stacks (Shadow Spec).
Power Word: Barrier gives no stacks.
Divine Aegis gives no stacks.
Devouring Plague gives no stacks.
Holy Word: Serenity gives 1 stack.
Prayer of Healing gives 1 stack.
Lightwell gives 1 stack per click (not per tick).
Penance gives 1 stack per channel (not per tick).
Power Word: Shield gives 1 stack, even without Glyph of Power Word: Shield.
Binding Heal gives 1 stack to the target and 1 stack to the caster.
Circle of Healing gives 1 stack per target healed.
Holy Word: Sanctuary gives 1 stack, and 1 extra stack each time a player leaves and re-enters the AoE heal.
Renew gives 1 stack for initial cast only, no stacks for ticks and no extra stacks when lengthened by Serenity Chakra (although the direct heal used to extend it will add a stack).
Holy Nova gives 1 stack per person healed.
Atonement gives 1 stack per heal, including 1 stack per tick of Holy Fire (Raid Wiper!).
Divine Hymn gives 1 stack per tick. (Raid Wiper!)

Earth Shield gives no stacks.
Healing Stream Totem gives no stacks.
Spirit Link Totem gives no stacks.
Heals from Feral Spirit give no stacks.
Stoneclaw Totem with Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem gives no stacks.
Earthliving Weapon gives no stacks, although Unleash Life will give 1 stack.
Chain Heal gives 1 stack per person healed.
Healing Rain gives 1 stack, and 1 extra stack each time a player leaves and re-enters the AoE heal.
Riptide gives 1 stack for the initial cast, not for ticks.

Death Knight
Death Strike and Blood Shield (Blood DK Mastery) give no stacks.
Death Pact gives no stacks.
Rune Tap gives no stacks, even with Glyph of Rune Tap.
Blood Parasite gives no stacks.

Chimera Shot gives no stacks.

Evocation with Glyph of Evocation gives no stacks.
Mana Shield gives no stacks.
Mage Ward gives no stacks.
Ice Block does not clear stacks.

Recuperate gives no stacks.

Healthstone gives no stacks.
Drain Life gives no stacks.
Fel Armor gives no stacks.
Death Coil gives no stacks.

Enraged Regeneration gives no stacks.
Blood Craze gives no stacks.

ALL trinket procs, weapon procs and set bonuses generate no stacks.
Grounded Plasma Shield (Engineering Tinker) gives no stacks.
Mythical Healing Potion, and other health potions give no stacks.
Dense Embersilk Bandage, and other bandages give no stacks.
Gift of the Naaru (Draenei Racial) gives 1 stack on initial cast, not for ticks.
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