KT Macro's

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KT Macro's

Postby Daveangel » Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:06 am

Target Macros

All DPS and Tank classes should set up a macro for targetting the weapons:

Code: Select all
/target Staff of Disintegration
for the staff
Code: Select all
/target Cosmic Infuser
for the mace
Code: Select all
/target Warp Slicer
for the sword
Code: Select all
/target Infinity Blade
for the dagger
Code: Select all
/target Netherstrand Longbow
for the bow
Code: Select all
/target Devastation
for the axe
Code: Select all
/target Phaseshift Bulwark
for the shield

Melee don't need the bow or axe macros as they won't ever attack those.

Equip Macros

Everyone should have equip macros set up for their weapons. This means you can just use autoloot on the dead weapons and hit the macro to equip them.

Code: Select all
/equip Staff of Disintegration
for casters and feral druids

Code: Select all
/equip Netherstrand Longbow
for hunters

Code: Select all
/equip Infinity Blade
/equip Phaseshift Bulwark
for tanks - replace Infinity Blade with your preferred weapon

Code: Select all
/equip Cosmic Infuser
for healers

Code: Select all
/equip warp slicer
/equipslot 17 infinity blade
for rogues and fury warriors

Use Macros

It is really important that people use the staff at every opportunity. They should set up a macro like this:

Code: Select all
/use Staff of Disintegration
/cast Shadow Word: Pain

and replace the SWP with the macro. Obviously use another attack if you are a mage, lock etc. This means you will use the staff every time you cast one of your common attacks.

Tanks should have a macro set up ready to use the shield:

Code: Select all
/use Phaseshift Bulwark
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