Casual |Application

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Casual |Application

Postby Tryneal » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:41 am

In game name (including previous names if any): Tryneal

Age: 15

From: England

Class and build: Assassination Rogue
(This is the class and specc we expect you to be raiding with, and this is the specc we hope you wish to be playing with. No main-alt changing and no specc changing without approval from the GMs.)

Dual Spec: My second spec is Subtlety and I have 6 pieces of PvP gear, I don't concentrate on PvP on this character so I don't do much PvP.
(Please state which 2nd spec you have with the new dual-spec system and comment your gear for it).

Alts: I have two alts, Bandosdragon and Dragonbandos, I only do PvP on them and do not wish to bring them into a PvE orientated guild.
(please comment if you intend on bringing them in the guild and if not, why?):

Link to your Armory page? ... eal/simple
(If you are not using your raiding specc because of PvP or whatever reason, please link the raiding specc you will be using):

Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm): Notri Dofus, the PvP guild and Old Alliance my old PvE guild from WotLK

Why did you leave your former guilds?: I haven't left Notri Dofus, I am in that guild on my alts and I left Old Alliance because they stopped PvEing frequently due to the GM leaving and coincidently a lot of other people left because of that.

What is your former raid experience (pre-TBC, TBC, WotLK)? I never raided in pre-TBC or TBC and only accomplished little in WotLK on my DK, I completed 7/12 on normal mode in ICC and 1/12 on Heroic.

Why do you want to join Serenity? I want to join Serenity because I would like to become a better PvEer, which I hope I can do by joining Serenity.

Do you have open applications to other guilds? I do not have other applications to other guilds.

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you? There are none.

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

This is probably the most important question. We are a raiding guild, and even though we do not force anyone into raiding, we are expecting players that will join us to show interest in raiding at least 3-4 days each week. Are you interested in raiding several days a week regularly??? I am very interested in raiding 3-4 days each week if I can, not saying that I wont be able to but obviously I assume that you know that things happen and not everyone can do something every time it is expected of them.

We do not spend a lot of time on farmed content, but we do spend a lot of times on progression, which means a lot of wiping with often very little progress. This is how we kill hard bosses and push the content. Is that what you are interested in? I am interested in accomplishing as much as I possibly can so I do not mind at all if we wipe time after time as this will make us a better guild in the future.

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 12 server time? I can definitely play at your official raiding times.

Can you log on to the Serenity website to read what is happening and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not? I can log on to the website frequently to do as required.

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a proper set of buffs (food buffs and potions/flasks)? Of course, I wouldn't do so otherwise.

We are using a Time based, fixed item price DKP system, do you agree with this? (X) YES ( ) NO

(X) I have read the Guild Charter and agree to it: Serenity Guild Charter

[Updated 26/6/11 Asyncritus]


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Re: Application

Postby Benobi » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:53 am

I do want to say (Although I have no say in the actually matter of inviting or declining this person) that Tryneal is a good friend of mine and that I can personally vouch for him. Although his gear might not be in the greatest condition (or any condition for that matter) to raid right now. I and him are currently doing daily dungeons to gear him up, we just started two days ago. He's a very respectable person and very trustworthy/loyal. He's maturity does not at all represent his age, in a good way that is.

Re: Application

Postby Sacs » Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:58 pm

Hello Tryneal

I think you might be a bit too young for our crowd. Most of us are older enough to be your parents and we raid mostly later at night. At your age, I would expect you to be doing homework and getting to sleep while the rest of us are still finishing of our raids and wipe-nights. I'm sure you're a good player and a nice kid to have about but generally, you'd get bored of us oldies as we tend to be a bit slower then some of the younger types of guild.

I see it simply as an incompatibility, nothing bad.
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Re: Application

Postby Tryneal » Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:07 pm

I understand your concern that I should be doing homework and sleeping at the times of the raids, but I am from the UK so I am one hour behind server time, which makes the raids end at 12pm, which is not a problem for me since I get up at 7:30am which is enough sleep for a growing person and as for the homework, I can make sure to do all of my homework before the raids and it is coming to the end of the year which makes homework lower down on our teachers priorities and as for the age difference, I preferred to play with older players in WotLK because they're more mature which I also think I am, or can be at times.

Re: Application

Postby Lleksam » Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:38 pm

Sacs wrote:Hello Tryneal

I think you might be a bit too young for our crowd. Most of us are older enough to be your parents and we raid mostly later at night. At your age, I would expect you to be doing homework and getting to sleep while the rest of us are still finishing of our raids and wipe-nights. I'm sure you're a good player and a nice kid to have about but generally, you'd get bored of us oldies as we tend to be a bit slower then some of the younger types of guild.

I see it simply as an incompatibility, nothing bad.

Hey, I have socks older than him, In fact I have grand-kids older than him too,

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Re: Casual |Application

Postby Redbully » Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:56 pm

Accepted as casual on the promise you'll sort what we spoke about out. Aiming to work towards raider status.
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