CLOSED|Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Moderator: Officers

CLOSED|Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Postby sgtxo » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:35 am

In game name (including previous names if any):

Sgtxo and my previous one to that was Timethriller, I have had many others before but that content was so long ago probably not even worth knowing.


From: England

Class and build:
(This is the class and specc we expect you to be raiding with, and this is the specc we hope you wish to be playing with. No main-alt changing and no specc changing without approval from the GMs.)

Standard Combat spec, always have been combat for 5 years now. 7/31/3

Dual Spec: (Please state which 2nd spec you have with the new dual-spec system and comment your gear for it).

I have just a sublety pvp spec, there is no real advantage of a 2nd spec for me for raiding as in my opinion assassination is currently weaker then combat.

Alts (please comment if you intend on bringing them in the guild and if not, why?):

I have a lot of characters but never play on them anymore, I have done in previous expansions, but I enjoy playing my rogue a lot and always have done.

Link to your Armory page?
(If you are not using your raiding specc because of PvP or whatever reason, please link the raiding specc you will be using): ... nt/primary

Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm):

The last guild I was in was called Flawless on Karazhan. At the time we were world 99th . The one before that was Quietly Brilliant on Mazrigos. My current guild is just simply a random guild I was invited to, I do not raid or PvP just social.

Why did you leave your former guilds?:

I left Quietly Brilliant because I got accepeted into Flawless, and I left Flawless because I broke my arm and couldn’t raid for 6 weeks, which the guild fully understood and supported me, but this was around the time Wrath of the Lich King was coming to a close and Cataclysm was beginning and after 6 weeks off of WoW I just lost any inclination to play at the time. I remained in the guild as a back up and as a social but the guild went 10 mans in Cataclysm so they parted their different ways.

What is your former raid experience
(pre-TBC, TBC, WotLK)?

I have raided Molten Core upto and including Ragnaros and this was Pre-TBC but the raids were manic, I was basically more or less settling into the game. I then went on to The Burning Crusade where I had the absolute time of my life, the guild, the raiding, the people, god I miss the burning crusade so much and it is surprising how much time has passed since and how much change has occurred. I managed to defeat all the content except most of sunwell before Wrath. Although, Illidan, Kael’thas were both post-nerf. But still :)

In wrath of the lich king I took some what of a long time off and rejoined in and around when Trial of the crusader was released, I rejoined up with some of my old raiding friends from burning crusade and we did average, defeated trial of the crusader pretty rapidly when it came out, and unfortunately made some very poor attempts at ICC, failing ridiculously badly on Festergut and Rotface, this was very very annoying. Although I was with the same people it wasn’t the same as in Burning Crusade, it just wasn’t fun. So it gave me the perfect excuse to focus on examinations and let my friend play my character for a few weeks since he was living at my house. He left the guild and joined another achieving little, after my exams I started playing and picked up where I had left off, I joined quietly brilliant which initially was a group of 10 of us who had vast experience, knowledge and what we next learnt: skill and cooperation. We absolutely started blasting through content; we could pug 25 man ICC all of a sudden with 10 of us carrying the puggers. It became a new sensation which I hadn’t felt since burning crusade, I started to enjoy world of warcraft again! Eventually we burnt out and one of our healers Kobrakung stepped back and said he wanted to stop raiding, this eventually lead to the crumbling of the core group which we were. I still keep in contact with them all they were a good group of guys for sure. At my peak I took a stab in the dark and applied to Flawless, I had previously been nowhere near a top 100 world guild and I was very apprehensive and excited when they gave me a trial. After my first 25 man raid I was almost hitting top 5 dps despite my gear being a realm below theirs for sure ( they had been farming 25 man heroic content for a while ) this was my first taste of 25 man heroic properly and I excelled and cemented a place in the main 25 man team. Until I broke my arm and blah de blah de blah. In cataclysm I can honestly say I have not raided anything. I have only just come back to wow but I want to regain my taste and hunger which I had during the Burning Crusade and the end of Wrath of the Lich King.

Why do you want to join Serenity?

I am going to be honest here. I was simply just browsing guild ranks and realms, and I would like to return to the Reckoning battle group, may sound strange but I really enjoyed that battle group. Anyway, so I looked through the several realms and thought I would not want to return to any of my previous realms as I want to try something new, and I don’t want to be on a PvP server so eventually I chose Bronzebeard, then I decided I wanted to be alliance again, then I chose serenity because I wanted a happy medium where I am n ot raiding too little or too often. I also wanted a guild which even if they raid 3 times a week, makes sure every minute of raiding is efficient and reading through your policies and guild rules I just thought they appealed to me. I do not know anyone on the server and I highly doubt I know anyone from the guild, your policies and attitude appealed to me so this is why I have applied to you.

Do you have open applications to other guilds?

No, I take every one at a time. I admit I have back up guilds in mind not necessarily on bronzebeard, but you are my first choice so I am applying to your first.

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you?

Nope, although if anyone does please give me a shout (:

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

This is probably the most important question. We are a raiding guild, and even though we do not force anyone into raiding, we are expecting players that will join us to show interest in raiding at least 3-4 days each week. Are you interested in raiding several days a week regularly???

Yes. Quite simple really I can’t add much more I love raiding.

We do not spend a lot of time on farmed content, but we do spend a lot of times on progression, which means a lot of wiping with often very little progress. This is how we kill hard bosses and push the content. Is that what you are interested in?

Excellent, this is one of the main reasons I want to join you, I have found in burning crusade we did not fulfill our potential because we farmed too much content and didn’t try enough progression. This is not to say I didn’t have fun, I loved it but now after years playing the game what I want from the game have changed and now I have some what of a hunger for progress.

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 12 server time?

In all honesty these couldn’t be better!

Can you log on to the Serenity website to read what is happening and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not?

I sure can!

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a proper set of buffs (food buffs and potions/flasks)?

Of course, I prepare everything, I carry gems and enchanting mats just incase gear drops mid raid so I can improve just that slightly, I bring stacks of pots, I am an avid user of the pre pot tactic. I am not afraid to spend money to make sure I maximize my raiding, I carry jewelcrafting and enchanting as professions, after being in Flawless I understand maximization more then I ever imagined. Every member of the raid team carried jewelcrafting simply because it gives you that extra small edge over all other professions, I adhere to these small things and do everything I can to maximize my raid performance, so you can expect me to turn up with everything and anything to make me the bets I can be.

--------I Would like to add one thing--------

Currently, as you may have noticed, my gear is umm, urrr, hmmm, well, pretty average. The chest guard is being replaced with my 378 tier chest tomorrow so although I should have probably delayed my application till then I was just too excited to start raiding and join a guild again I just applied now. Anyway, my gear is average, yes. But my knowledge, play style, experience and raid awareness has been honed and toned over the years and I feel as if I am a very complete player now, I don’t back peddle, I don’t keyboard turn, I don’t click and I don’t have tunnel vision. I am here for the long haul, my gear can be replaced quickly, my optimization can begin instantly, and all I need is a reason to. If you accept me I can prove to you even using this gear that I can compete for places in your 25 man team and together we could achieve all our goals, I want to help the guild, the raid team and I feel that you guys can help me too relive the enjoyment from the game I crave. If you are worried about guild hopping, don’t be I only ever change guilds if I have either quit the game or the guild has disbanded. I have absolutely no intention to quit anytime soon what so ever and you guys do not look like you are disbanding anytime soon. Anyway I will draw this too close, basically I am applying to the guild with the intention on raiding with you in 3 expansions time, I hope you look at my application in the same way. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my application and I look forward to your response, meanwhile, happy raiding.

We are using a Zero-Sum DKP system, do you agree with this? ( x) YES ( ) NO

(x ) I have read the Guild Charter and agree to it: Serenity Guild Charter

Re: Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Postby sgtxi » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:42 am

And please excuse my spelling! How embarrassing, my apologies.

Re: Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Postby Redbully » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:44 am

No worries about the spelling, you havent seen mine and Osguards yet haha. Good luck with the app, we recently lost some rogues.
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Re: Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Postby Tusvor » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:08 am

Thank you for your application, we will look into it and get back to u as soon as possible :)
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Re: Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Postby Mjöl » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:46 am

Nice and long application, shows some effort. I would like to have a chat with you, if you can make a lvl1 char on bronzebeard so we can do that, thanks !
Thanks to the Themark for my avatar ! (Breast and Arms on Pic not edited, only Hair photoshopped. Seriously.)
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Re: Sgtxo Xrealm Rogue

Postby Mjöl » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:45 am

When we chatted last week i was under the impression that you soon will transfer, which hasnt happend however until today. Is this still your plan ?
Thanks to the Themark for my avatar ! (Breast and Arms on Pic not edited, only Hair photoshopped. Seriously.)
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