LEFT | Integrity, Frost Duel Wield DPS DeathKnight

Moderator: Officers

LEFT | Integrity, Frost Duel Wield DPS DeathKnight

Postby Integrity » Sat Dec 25, 2010 5:49 am

Before you even bother, have you read our guild rules and goals? Does it corresponds to what you are looking for?

(YES) Note: by ticking YES, you agree to follow the guild charter.

In game name (including previous names if any):
Integrity, previously known as Abiz

Age: 26

Manchester, UK, currently living in Lossiemouth, Scotland, UK.

Class and build: Deathknight Frost DPS Duel Wield. (Herb/Miner to be changed)
(This is the class and specc we expect you to be raiding with, and this is the specc we hope you wish to be playing with. No main-alt changing and no specc changing without approval from the GMs.)

Dual Spec:
Blood Tank. Happy to experiment any offspec as deemed necessary.
(Please state which 2nd spec you have with the new dual-spec system and comment your gear for it).

Alts Prot/Fury Warrior [85] = Atrocity (Eng/Miner)
Resto/Feral(Cat) Druid [85] = Aybize (Alch/JC)
Prot/Holy Paladin [81] = Abíz (JC/BS)
Destro/Demo Warlock [80] = Aßiz (Tailor/Ench)
Arcane/Frost Mage [80] = Bízí (Tailor)
Disc/Shadow Priest [74] = Aziba (Skinner/Alch)
BM/MM Hunter [41] = Scribbly (Herb/Inscrip)
Elem/Resto Shaman [15] = Slippy
Rogue [1] = Dawes

(please comment if you intend on bringing them in the guild and if not, why?):

I fully intend on bringing all current alts into the guild, bar Slippy as he is currently holding a guild bank which I am using for Storage of excess materials.
I have two lvl 70 Horde characters on Ragnaros which I did not feel deserve mentioning as with the advent of the Battle Net communications their existence has become obsolete.

Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page? (If you are not using your raiding specc because of PvP or whatever reason, please link the raiding specc you will be using):


Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm):

The Scholars of Light (Cataclysm)
Bad Karma (Wotlk)
The Scholars of Light (TBC)
Chimera (TBC)
Profanity (TBC)
Entropy (TBC)
Almost Famous (Vanilla)
Focus (Vanilla)

Why did you leave your former guilds?:

The list is long I can agree, there were a few non-entity guilds that I was a part of such as my very first levelling guild and a guild I was in on horde for about a week before I joined Bad Karma which did not deserve a mention. (Though they were a cool bunch!)

I left Focus in Vanilla to play with Redbully who was the reason I came to wow, he was in Almost Famous at the time. When Almost Famous disbanded we (the remaining members on BB) created Entropy.

I became the 2nd GM of Entropy and had great time there and the main reason I left was to pursue hardcore end-game raiding as at the time I had very little going on in my real life.

I joined Profanity which was a major mistake, elitist jerks could sum up some of those responsible for that guild without wanting to offend those members who were really nice people.

I tried things out in Chimera, fortunately I had a fairly good reputation and was able to move around because most people knew me to be a decent player. The atmosphere within Chimera at the time was mind-numbingly boring and some friends from AfH convinced me to join SoL towards the end of TBC.

SoL towards the end of TBC was absoultely amazing, such a great social + hardcore raiding atmosphere and to be honest I wish I had never left. I decided I had always wanted to try out what it was like to become horde and due to becoming infamous amongst some of the Bad Karma guys, I managed to get a spot with them during their realm transfer to Wildhammer.

BK was great also, same fun social atmosphere and just as much focus in raids, I was raidleading with BK through the most part of Wotlk. Roughly around the release of ToGC and / or Deathbringer Saurfang (my memory is not so great) BK fell apart due to GM leaving, and after about a year break I decided to come back to Bronzebeard, and returned to SoL.

I am leaving SoL because they do not have a place for me in their raid team. A post went up prior to Cataclysm release asking folks to post what they planned to play as a main in Cata. I chose Warrior tank, and was not told that this would not be a possibility until last week. There are other factors to take into account which I would be more happy to discuss privately with the officers should it be necessary.

What is your former raid experience (pre-TBC, TBC, WotLK)?

Vanilla (Warlock)

UBRS, ZG, AQ20, Onyxia, MC, BwL, Azuregos, Kazzak, Emerald Dragons cleared.
AQ40 up to Huhuran, and trash in Naxx, few tries on Noth.

TBC (Warlock)

Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon, Kazzak, SSC, TK (pre-nerf), MH, Doomwalker, BT cleared.
Sunwell up to Brutallus and a nasty 1% wipe (stressed eric moment!)

TBC (Protection Paladin)

Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, MH, BT cleared.

Wotlk (Retribution/Protection Paladin as RL), Warlock, Warrior, Druid, Mage

Naxx, Sartharion (incl 3d when it was "challenging") Malygos, Ulduar (incl 10 man hardmodes when they were actually hard!), ToGC, Onyxia, cleared.

ICC cleared, only did LK on 10 man on my Warrior. I came back from my break at such a time that any raid I joined with SoL was basically a Boost, so I will not list any achievments as my own to be honest. I did not get to see Halion.

Why do you want to join Serenity

I was hoping to get a fresh start with the gear gap gone and The Scholars of Light are not willing to give me that opportunity.

The main reason I want to join Serenity is specifically to be in the same team as Redbully, however upon researching the ethos behind your guild, the raid times and basic feeling I get when grouped with your members is one of a well-established friendly environment that would be a perfect home for me.

Do you have open applications to other guilds?


Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you?

Redbully will vouch for me I am sure, and I would like to think that possibly one or two other members will possibly remember me from days of old.

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

This is probably the most important question. We are a raiding guild, and even though we do not force anyone into raiding, we are expecting players that will join us to show interest in raiding at least 3-4 days each week. Are you interested in raiding several days a week regularly???

Very much so, I considered remaining in SoL as a casual PvPer, and realised that would take 80% of the fun away from the game.
Within the limits of my work, I aim to be able to raid as much as possible.

I am in the Royal Air Force, and as such I am required to fulfill a service to my country by going on a deployment / detachment to a war zone once every 3-4 years. This detachment will most likely be in Afghanistan and during that period I wont be able to play WoW for 4 months.

I will also be required to be on call 1 week out of every 14-18 weeks, and could potentially be forced to attend courses or work unsavoury hours from time to time. I believe that these limitations are the main reason behind my inability to gain a raid spot in my current guild, and hopefully will not be a reason for rejection with this application.

I am a committed player, and any time away from the game that puts me slightly behind the pack (so to speak) will quickly be rectified by the effort I put in when I am able to play freely.

We do not spend a lot of time on farmed content, but we do spend a lot of times on progression, which means a lot of wiping with often very little progress. This is how we kill hard bosses and push the content. Is that what you are interested in?

Definately, I will always come prepared with Flasks, Food, Enhancement Potions, Bandages etc, and enough money and positivity to endure countless wiping.
Progression is usually the best feeling about raiding, wipes are not so much fun, but we all know that amazing feeling when the boss finally bites the dust. All the wiping is worth it for those moments.

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 12 server time?

Yes. these times are perfect for me as they give me the time I need should I be required to work a little late, and enough time to perform my daily preparations for the next prior to the start of the raid.

Can you log on to the Serenity website to read what is happening and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not?

Do not see any problem with that, however I must note that currently I am finding that some of the hyperlinks within your sticky posts on this forum are not working as intended.

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a proper set of buffs (food buffs and potions/flasks)?


We are using a Zero-Sum DKP system, do you agree with this? (YES)

(YES) I have read the Forum sticky: Intro to Serenity
(YES) I have read the Forum sticky: Guild Rules and Goals

Re: Integrity, Frost Duel Wield DPS DeathKnight

Postby Mjöl » Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:54 am

Thanks for your application. Quite a interesting one i have to say :) It might take a bit due to christmas time etc to discuss your app, but since we have morre apps currently we will try to talk about it soon. Seeing the number of alts and that 3 chars are 85 at this point shows that it is obvious that you are a active player.
Thanks to the Themark for my avatar ! (Breast and Arms on Pic not edited, only Hair photoshopped. Seriously.)
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Re: Integrity, Frost Duel Wield DPS DeathKnight

Postby Redbully » Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:54 pm

Didnt know what to post really I think his app says enough but known this guy for years on wow and in real life, he's never let me down once In the years I have known him. Has numerous years of experience in raiding and raid leading side. Couldnt think of anyone better to share some DK loot with. Got him working on his rep factions and stuff.

Good luck with the app buddy.
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