DENIED | Mage Application [Minimagicman]

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DENIED | Mage Application [Minimagicman]

Postby Minimagicman » Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:41 am

In game name (including previous names if any):Minimagicman


From:London, UK

Class and build:
(This is the class and specc we expect you to be raiding with, and this is the specc we hope you wish to be playing with. No main-alt changing and no specc changing without approval from the GMs.)


Dual Spec: (Please state which 2nd spec you have with the new dual-spec system and comment your gear for it).

No Off Spec - just purely Arcane Mage as i am raid built

Alts (please comment if you intend on bringing them in the guild and if not, why?):

I have 2 other alts, Paladin healer named Palliation (5.6k GS) and i also have a Blood DK called Ezeeknight with dps and tank off spec (tank spec not geared enuff for icc at mo unfortunately 31k unbuffed) (Blood spec GS is about 5.4k)

Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page? (If you are not using your raiding specc because of PvP or whatever reason, please link the raiding specc you will be using): ... nimagicman ... Palliation ... Ezeeknight

Former guilds (on Bronzebeard or on your current realm):

Currently in Legacy of Heroes, and was in Divine legacy but computer had an unfortunate accident and was offline for 4months so when i came back i was guildless due to inactivity, but i am on every day now as computer is working sweet

Why did you leave your former guilds?:

Still currently reside in LoH, till i find another guild that is more suited to my needs

What is your former raid experience (pre-TBC, TBC, WotLK)?
All the 70 level raids;)

All Wotlk raids
Icc10-8 bosses
Icc25-6 bosses

Why do you want to join Serenity?

I Love raiding and currently, i am having to pug a lot of raids due to having 3 alts and so many in guild needing to raid too which i can understand

Do you have open applications to other guilds?
none at the moment

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you?
Not that i can think of, i tend to make quite a few pug group lately so maybe someone from your guild has been in one of them but none that i can think of

The important questions now. Please take a moment to think about those before you answer.

This is probably the most important question. We are a raiding guild, and even though we do not force anyone into raiding, we are expecting players that will join us to show interest in raiding at least 3-4 days each week. Are you interested in raiding several days a week regularly???

I love raiding, its a joy to me to be able to bring down a new boss no matter what it costs or how much time it takes. All for the GLORY

We do not spend a lot of time on farmed content, but we do spend a lot of times on progression, which means a lot of wiping with often very little progress. This is how we kill hard bosses and push the content. Is that what you are interested in?

Without a shadow of a doubt, more progression makes a happy me

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 1am server time?

lol, mate i am like a vampire, i would raid all day and all night if i could

Can you log on to the Serenity website to read what is happening and sign up on the raid calendar each week whether you can attend raids or not?

Yeah ofc, goes without saying, if there is a raid happening then i am there, no fail

Do you intend to show up for raids prepared, PVE raid specced, repaired, enchanted, gemmed and with a proper set of buffs (food buffs and potions/flasks)?

I am like a boy scout i always am prepared (Dib dib)

Postby Laraht » Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:40 pm


After discussing your application and looking over what we can offer we have decided that we are denying your application due to the fact we dont have any raidspot to offer atm.

Good luck finding a new home.
I heal, you kill
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