DENIED | mages 70 aplication

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DENIED | mages 70 aplication

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:05 pm

In game name:gozilla


Current build:arcane fire
Rare or useful recipes/formulas:
Flying mount?:yes i have the 60% and i farming for 280% now



Keys and Attunements (Pre-BC):mc naxramas bwl onyxia

Keys and Attunement (BC):karazhan.

Current gear and why you use it. Please give us an idea of your current gear:i have full baltlecast for some stats 2 gladiators but i will change it 1 vengefull wand. that my best epics items i have 12/16 items epic and the rest rare you can check that in armory

- Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page? ... &n=Gozilla

Time you are typically online during the week and the weekends?
everyday at 16:00-00:00 oclock server time

Can you play at our official raiding times which are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9pm - 1am server time?
i can raid all the days i dont have problems

Is this your main character?
yeap i have and 1 paladin 51lvl

Former guilds on Bronzebeard
i had a guild with name <immortality>

Why did you leave your former guilds?
i left because we dont was too many in the guild and dont made some raids

If you are a cross realm transfer, what was your previous realm:
i dont transfered my character. i start on bronsbeard

- Former guilds on that server and why you left:

Why do you want to join Serenity?
because i want to join in a serious guild and have progress in raids

Do you have open applications to other guilds?

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you?
i dont know any members from serenity. So i dont think if any1 know me and can vouch for me. But i think you can hang up on me :))

We are planning on using a Suicide Kings loot distribution system, do you agree with this? ( ) YES ( ) NO

Describe yourself and why we should pick you:
because i am helpfull, a expirience guy and i want to help you

Other information that you may want to share with us that may affect your application (work, family): nothing much thats all my issue

Postby Jura » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:10 am

Is this your PVE Specc and gear?

Your spell hit rating is way below required for serious raiding (optimum is 164 with 10/48/3 specc), and overall your gear is under the standard we are looking from mages that want to join us.
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Postby Adamantite » Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:28 am

I agree with Jura, you gear seem to be aiming for PVP. Your gear shows that you have put some effort into pvp'ing, put probably didn't do much pve.
I miss some good enchants on some items and your choice of gems seems to aim for crit, damage and stamina. But nothing really aims for pve and some gems like healing in gloves make no sense at all.
Frankly your statement: I have 12/16 epic items combined with the unfocused effort on enhances and gems shows imh. that you seem to be going for epic gear without putting any real effort in getting max out of it.
This is not something which will go down very well in a good raiding guild, since we see the progress through the higher instances as our goal and loot is only secondary. Getting max. out of your gear for pve is seen as something, which everybody does without being told to.

That being said, some things is still are in you favour:
1.) You can quite easily get some better gear by taking the last steps and get those enchants and gems.
2.) I suspect, that you probably never did much 25-men raiding (at level 60 and 70), so you probably don't know much working in a team. This is something, which can be corrected in the right guild.
3.) If 2. is correct and you never did much raiding, the fact that you stilll play this game and do pvp to progress shows, that you can become a regular player, which is very good.

So one final question: When did you turn 70 and how long have you /played?

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