LEFT | Tank Application - Bikki

Moderator: Officers

LEFT | Tank Application - Bikki

Postby Guest » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:21 am

(X) YES ( ) NO Note: by ticking YES, you agree follow the guild charter.

In game name:








Current build:

8,2,51 (Protection)


375 Engineering, 375 Mining

Rare or useful recipes/formulas:

Gyro Balanced Khorium Destroyer, Ornate Khorium Rifle, Stableized Eternium Scope

Flying mount?:





UK - England

Keys and Attunements (Pre-BC):

Have the keys to all pre BC 5man instances and am attuned to most instances, have experienced ZG, AQ20, AQ40, MC and Onyxia

Keys and Attunement (BC):

Have the key to the arcatraz, shatted halls, and shadow labs, can do all heroic instances in BC (all revered keys) and am attuned for kara, which i have cleared completely, also hav the SSC key, but it is no longer needed anyway. Hav cleared Kara, Gruul, and made several unsuccessful goes on Void Reaver before our guild disbanded

Current gear and why you use it. Please give us an idea of your current gear:

Have some nice tanking gear, made up of mostly kara drops, and heroic badges, and some items that have been crafted for me. I currently have all purple items except:
One Ring
One Tinket

- Link to your Armory, CTProfiles, or RPGOutfitters page?


Time you are typically online during the week and the weekends?

On a weekday i play from about 3pm server time, through till 12 or 1am server time, will stay later if we are still raiding though. I usually play the same hours on a weekend allthough some fridays/saturdays i may be unavailable due to social commitments in RL, but this will not be every week, maybe once a month

Can you play at our planned raiding times which can be any day typically from 9pm - 1am server time?

Yes these raiding times are good for me, i will be home from work everyday at 2pm - 3pm (server time)

Is this your main character?

Yes, this is my main character, hav a couple of alts in ther 30's and 40's but rarely play them

Former guilds on Bronzebeard

Aftermath, Not Enough Rage, OMG Who Pulled

- Why did you leave your former guilds?

Aftermath fell apart when the leaders decided not to play anymore, many of us joined not enough rage, left that guild becuase the i had a month out of warcraft for travelling, when i came back i joined OMG Who Pulled, which i am still in, but has disbanded.

Why do you want to join Serenity?

Because i have enjoyed the raiding and progress i have experienced in OMG, but sadly the guild is disbanding, so i am looking for a guild that is at a similar point in progress to us, and somewher wher i can continue to progress and improve my charcter

Any member in Serenity that can vouch for you?

I do not believe i know anyone in serenity, allthough im not 100% sure, and may have done some 5mans or heroics with some people before

We are planning on using a Suicide Kings loot distribution system, do you agree with this? (X) YES ( ) NO

This system is a good system for a casual guild, and means the loots is distributed more fairly even for the people, who dont, or cant raid as often as the others

Describe yourself and why we should pick you:

I am a freindly guy, with a decent sense of humor, iv been playing Warcraft for about 2years, and enjoy my main character and enjoy progressing in end game content. I feel i am a mature player and like to think that i put the needs of the guild as a whole before my own personal needs.
I dont mind helping people out when i am online and believe that i am quite good at what i do, and can lead most instances (marking up etc..) quite well, as i have quite a bit of experience in leading raids and heroics from OMG

Other information that you may want to share with us that may affect your application (work, family):

I have a family and a girlfriend, whom i obviously will need to spend time with, i will not be online 24/7, which is why i have applied for serenity, as you are a more casual guild. But dont get me wrong i will be online for raids most nights of the week. But usually not long before the raid wud be due to start.

(X) I have read the Forum sticky: Intro to Serenity
(X) I have read the Forum sticky: Guild Rules and Goals

Thanks for taking the time to read through my application

Postby Theseus » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:38 am

Nice application. Looks like the type of person we are looking for. We will look your application.
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Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:31 am
Location: Torino, Italy

Postby Mjölnir » Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:57 pm

Joined 23.09.07

Status: Initate

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